Rules to live By:
-Spread the love...not the hiv
-Do one thing everyday that scares you
-Floss (could that qualify as a scary thing?)
-Don't waste your time on jealousy
-Rememer Compliments, Forget the Insults
-Do not read beauty magazines...they will only make you feel ugly!
-Keep your pants on!
-Get to know your parents
-Run from scantily dressed females
-Accept certain unalienable truths
-Respect your Elders
-Watch the road when you drive
-Dont mess too much with your hair
-Don't let people crush your spirit least every other day.
-Love God (He's the only one that wont let ya down for sure)
-If you love someone...tell them!
-Refuse to step down to their level
-Change your sheets at least every 6 mo.
-Don't run with sharp (or blunt) objects
-Give credit where credit is due (Yes Britney Spears...I like "Everytime")
-Feed the fish at least every 2 days.
-Don't Judge people ( I'm strugglin with this)
-Don't depend on someone to support you mentally, physically, or emotionally